Thursday, September 26, 2019

First Post

I never know what to write when I start a new blog. Do I tell my "Mysterious Reader" what to expect? Do I just launch in like it's a continuation of something that came before? Do I question my thought process behind doing this yet again?

Hmmm, why not all three.

Dear "Mysterious Reader" we go again. I don't know if anyone is out there reading this. Not that I'm going to write anything that I don't want as public information. All I know is that this is my outlet.

Maybe that's why I'm attempting this again. As a way for me to formalize what's going on in my brain. To make sense of why my world is the way it is. I don't know if others have this issue, but I can understand so easily why others do the things they do. But when I'm in the hot seat, it's just a Jackson Pollock painting in my head. No rhyme or reason.

So, I guess, this is my blog.

It's going to be a random eclectic mixing of whatever I decide to write about.

I'll just have to see where this path goes. Only time will tell.

I guess that's as good a first post as any. Welcome. Have fun....

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