Monday, September 30, 2019

Travel Nirvana

I'm in between projects right now. Which is weird for me. I usually have a running list in my head of what to pick up next. Typically, during a project, I decide on what I'm going to start next. It's part of my last push to finish whatever it is. I just finished stitching a cross stitch project for Halloween. I had a lot of fun with this one too. I just have to figure out how to mount it. Anyway, back to my point. I don't have another project in mind to start. During my Halloween project, I figured I'd pick out another cross stitch project or pick up one of my knitting WIP's. But now that I'm done, I find myself wondering what to do.

Will it be another knitting project? Cross Stitch? Reading? Tarot? Watercolor? Something that I haven't discovered yet just waiting to be found?

I think this is because I have an upcoming trip and while I like to be prepared on vacation. I don't want to bring too much. Will it be enough to do? Will I get bored? Will I not even touch it and it's pointless to drag it along with us in my suitcase?

To be honest, I won't know any of that until AFTER my vacation. So I shouldn't worry about it now. Yeah, right. Me not worry about something....pssssht. That's like me not breathing.

I guess the only thing to do right now is throw myself into researching various cross stitch patterns, go through my knitting WIP's, decide if my travel watercolor kit is light enough, and I'm sure a lot of other ideas. It's my gathering information time. Soon to be followed by my culling and cutting out things time. Travel time. And eventually, I really didn't need to take that with us time.

It all goes into the mix for the next vacation I go on. I have to say I am getting better each time. Maybe one day I will finally reach travel activity nirvana. I will be at one with the vacation gods.

But, I won't get there on this trip.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

First Post

I never know what to write when I start a new blog. Do I tell my "Mysterious Reader" what to expect? Do I just launch in like it's a continuation of something that came before? Do I question my thought process behind doing this yet again?

Hmmm, why not all three.

Dear "Mysterious Reader" we go again. I don't know if anyone is out there reading this. Not that I'm going to write anything that I don't want as public information. All I know is that this is my outlet.

Maybe that's why I'm attempting this again. As a way for me to formalize what's going on in my brain. To make sense of why my world is the way it is. I don't know if others have this issue, but I can understand so easily why others do the things they do. But when I'm in the hot seat, it's just a Jackson Pollock painting in my head. No rhyme or reason.

So, I guess, this is my blog.

It's going to be a random eclectic mixing of whatever I decide to write about.

I'll just have to see where this path goes. Only time will tell.

I guess that's as good a first post as any. Welcome. Have fun....